After snoozing the alarm for one and a half hour, I stopped it. I got to know about this when P called near 8:20 in the morning. . He said,"mini bete uth ja" & i said "are main uthi hui hun, tu bata" and he said he'll meet us in seminar. I got up finally and realized that i was late. I called V & H then. V said okay and H got up by my call... :P
We all are same in one or the other way.... :)
I made coffee, got ready and left
home @9. R, A & Vi denied the proposal last night. Now, it was H's message. He refused too. FINE(anyone else who don't wanna come???)!!! It was only P, V & me who met. We had good time at IHC.
I've never been there before. Good place, fresh environment, beautiful infrastructure, helpful people & I fell in love with place(P too fell in love with this place).

We attended a little bit
of seminar which was a bit boring. We realized that we'll do injustice to ourselves by spending the rest of the time only here. We then wandered all over the place, did some photo-session(its one of the customs or rules u can say, we follow).
V & I were dying of hunger but still we decided to see the painting exhibitions. The one which was in Visual Arts gallery was good. I like some of them. Although i was unable to interpret their meaning but still i liked them. The only which I found the finest of all was the most expensive one(check the choice ;):D). The Open Palm Court Gallery was holding the paintings which were peaceful, flowery, had birds, butterflies, fireflies, girls, dreams, fascinating, fish & the best part was the usage of bright colors. Here's one of them.
That was my cup of tea:):)
After having a lot of IHC. We moved for some food. Had awesome food at shankar market, typical dilli wala khana. yum..... :P:P
We roamed then a bit to reach Janpath. We were very tired so rested for a while. Finally, we headed towards Janpath. Pretty cool place.
Now, its time to go home. We guys accompanied each other till Rajiv Chowk station. From there, i took my train forbidding P & V. I got the ladies seat in metro. This seat made me realize how much tired I was. Here, i thought not to waste my time and was thinking to read something. But i was not in a mood to read something so, i decided to write all this while my journey to home!
;) 8)