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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poem :)

Left the path early in the morning
I just realized
left the world early in the morning
I just realized,

feeling the feeling I never felt
I just realized
facing the world w/o happiness
I just realized,

memories faded away, time left me
I just realized
I made myself dead
I just realized,

tears left my eyes
I just realized
shades of f'ships getting darker
I just realized,

I hide myself, far-far away
I just realized
dreams leaving me
I just realized,

life is like ending today
I just realized
dunno, wanna live or not
I just realized,

I'm no more chatterbox
I just realized
have enough of life
I just realized.

(Inspired from 'chunk by chunk' by Pramod Singh Negi) { }
thank you sweetheart!


  1. and i just realized tat somebody writes well

  2. Why so sad?


  3. @adi: thank you.....
    @meghna: dnt know, but when it comes to poetry i write like this now-a- days.....

    thanks for ur comments dears:):)


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