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Saturday, July 3, 2010



I believe in writing bcz I love to. Writing is my passion, its everything & best way to express yourself. I dont like to read much, that makes strain to my eyes, Oh! that was jst an excuse. Shit, I learnt nt to make excuses, its the symbol of losers, ofcourse no one wants to be that.

There was a time when I would nt like to disclose anything about myself. Yeah, very preserved kind of gal but very aggressive as well. I guess I've changed a lot. Time makes you what you are.

I love to speak. I love a bit of everything actually :)

When your pen's ink goes with your mind's thoughts, thats the moment when I feel like heaven, life's one of the best moments. Pen moves with the thoughts but when your mind thinks faster than your pen your speed of writing ultimately rises. When the examiner was standing just beside us and was shouting for our answersheet and we beg for a min. more, in our school time. You remember, there, what was our writing speed. But that was neither heaven nor the best moments.

By the way, here my first post ends. Will write soon.


  1. Kind of late comment but anyway...!
    i liked it when u say " that was jst an excuse. Shit, I learnt nt to make excuses, its the symbol of losers"

    well said my first principle of successes is not to make excuses good odrs also follow it

    while reading this post i realized tat there was a professional flow of words in ur post..

    keep up the good work :)


    Aditya Bhasin writes on his offical blog I Speak Aditya Bhasin

    on this link

  2. not at all, comments are always welcomed.
    I learnt this principle of success from P.K. Satpathy Sir. I think u know the story behind this.
    Thanks for the compliment.


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